The Patience of David

There is a place of peace, grace and rest in God that few believe is possible, and fewer truly find.

We are not referring to good feelings in good times that may lead to a grateful, comforted heart and mind.

The existence of the true peace of God is independent of circumstance. In fact, God's true peace is not a feeling, not a condition, not a situation, but rather a Spirit. It is the presence of this Holy Spirit that gives unusual security and rest in the most troubled of times...

But we must find that place, that pocket of peace.

King David seemed to have an uncanny understanding of how to access this place, and even walk in it.

From the outside, we might ask, how did he so serve and honor an unruly king who sought to kill him? How did he stay so humble after amazing victories in the power of the Spirit of God and with his amazing skills and abilities? How was he able to maintain perspective and even encourage himself in the Lord alone when everyone he knew and trusted and respected was negative and against him and rejecting him?

The answer: he found the Secret Place.

David allowed his heart to learn to delight in God as a real Person. Let's look at God for a moment as Someone present in our lives. If we desire a close relationship with someone, we begin to be fond of them. We respect their thoughts and feelings. We enjoy and appreciate their presence and company. We look for them. We miss them. We make plans with them. We hurt with them. We laugh with them. We become satisfied and full with them, where other losses and deficiencies are not so lacking and devastating to us anymore.

They truly fill our lives...with such love, such hope, such joy. Not the type of joy that is more related to happiness, but rather a steady, deep-set smile within the soul at the thought of them.

David found this type of companionship with God. A genuine, real-deal connection and understanding...and awe-postured friendship...with the Creator and Savior of the universe.

I propose that there is not only one placeholder for this type of fellowship with God. I propose that this is an open gateway that has never closed, neither has any door to it.

Where do you find yourself, with respect to your troubles, your situations, the people around you? Where are you with respect to God? Did you know that He is looking at the beauty of that heart He created within you more than what you have done with it? His arms are open. Why don't we take a step towards Him now and see how we can step into the pocket of His peace, that Secret Place of the Most High God?

Eagles Point | A safe place of rest...


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