Real Experiences in an Unreality

Very candidly, I cannot stand false friendships. Why is it that people act and treat and talk to you so kindly one minute, or even for a little while, and then begin to act like they don't even know you?

If I ask myself why this seems to happen to me a lot, I think of at least three things. Firstly, is it something I'm doing? Next, do others experience this a lot as well? And finally, is it something I'm doing?

To begin with, I want to ensure there isn't something I'm totally unaware of about myself. But I have enough good people around me and in my life that don't do this and that observe me closely enough, I would think at least. The one thing I'm not sure of is if many others experience this too. If they do, then we really do have a social issue when it comes to how we socialize and connect. That would make me wonder about the effects and influences of how we connect and socialize in a social media age, and other effects of our society's norms in upbringing, including how kids are raised, how they are educated in school, etc.

But depending and yet despite the answer to the second question, I still have to ask myself again, is there anything I'm doing to either be too kind, create false expectations from others' kindness and willingness to be social or communicative at first. I guess it's strange to ask, how long does communication and cordial connection have to go before you can consider that person a friend or someone who will continue to keep in touch (or at least not totally ignore you for seemingly no reason).

I never want to be a person that blameshifts, even though we naturally may tend to do this sometimes. I want to at least take an honest look at myself in the process. But it sure really is frustrating to have a real experience of seemingly pleasant and enjoyable friendship with someone for a short season or few connections, only to then realize it was an unreality, where they act like they don't know the first thing about you, all without notice.

When this happens enough in life, if we're not careful, we can become cynical about any type of relationship, and then even little behaviors will trigger hurt or loneliness or feelings of rejection because they touch on emotional reminders of what we've been through before.

It's an irony in balance of where we can approach things a little more guarded without becoming jaded, while dealing with the real fact that hearts and feelings can and have been hurt, and need caretaking with God and with the good people in our lives.

Whoever is going through this or still hasn't rebounded from having gone through it recently, we really need to take a bit of time to pause and regroup our emotions and expectations, and place those people in the hands of Jesus while asking God to help us dignify ourselves and our value. We can't fall into the trap of thinking maybe we are no good or not good enough for people when these things happen. Let's take a moment, and then some follow-up moments, to allow our soul to undergo a bit of a therapy and rehab process from where it has been hurt.

You are worth it. You are special. You are still dearly beloved by Abba Father in Heaven. And your value here is priceless.

Eagles Point
A safe place of rest


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