
Many people do not know the meaning of forever. They think it is related to when they experience an amazing feeling with someone or something, and they begin to make false promises and empty commitments. Forever is a heartlock.

If a man says he loves you, find out what he wants: your body, or your heart. Deprive him of your body, and you'll see what you really have.

Relationships are like a boat assail. Vulnerable to the elements. Dependent upon the breath of the sky. The only thing it can control is the direction it will lean into…if there is any motion at all.

There are those who are engaged in communication and interaction with their significant, and yet they are being fed by empty clouds. They are not being loved. They are not being cherished. They are not being noticed. They are hoping, waiting, wanting rainfall. They dream of it, they long for it. They are hoping for rain, but little do they know they are simply waiting on the wind. Because the wind is all those empty clouds have to offer. Let this not be said of us.

Healthy relationships are a two-way street. Both must be willing to commit and invest, and beyond just when the feelings or schedules are most convenient. If only one of the two legs is willing to walk most of the time, it will become weary and even strained. It will eventually break down and either fatigue will affect the desire to walk any further, or injury will prevent it. One leg was never meant to carry the entire body.

The foundation of a healthy relationship is love and respect. And these two things are not feelings. They certainly often have feelings attached to them. The goal is not to have their feelings present 100% of the time, but rather their actions.

Even if we have had a difficult past in the area of broken relationships, at some point, we have to allow our hearts to be open and available to the possibility of true love, no matter what our past was. And we will have to take some courageous steps occasionally out from our hiding places and carved out coves, and set pride and control aside a little, in order to meet our partner in the middle.

Challenges and obstacles are the test of true love and commitment. They will be your teachers and will show you what you really have within your own heart, and the heart of your companion.

There are those who are not unemployed, who love their mothers, who open doors for people, and who would rather die than to cheat on their companion. Unfortunately, when someone meets them, they consider them them boring...until they've been through enough stupid men to realize what they really want in life.

There's not much worse than being out of sync with those you are in connection with. Whether a business partner, a special relationship, a manager or team of people...good communication is vital in maintaining relational health and well-being.

Men: Jesus is the One who loved a woman like no other man. Get lost in His ways, and you'll find yourself worthy of one of His daughters.

Finding the right one for you is just as much becoming the right one for him or her.

Don't be surprised if the right one may seem a little boring at first. Remember, they aren't out there to get attention, but rather give it.

When we finally put our foot down and determine we're are sick and tired of poor choices and unhealthy relationships, and we have finally had enough of the same weight and clutter in our lives every day, we will discover that there is the neck of an age old serpent under that foot of ours.

There is not much that is more beautiful and attractive in a person than when they are willing to defend and protect their intimacy and consecration to God and to you with all that they are.


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