Come to Daddy

In the middle of all you are find yourself in, remember, it does not define who you are. You know who you are, Abba's child. Especially now: you're eyes are open to what you really want and need…Jesus first in all things, and then making choices based on His will and not convenience and other things.

Sometimes we can be so stubborn or selfish that God has to allow more drastic things to happen to finally soften our hearts. It’s too bad we are like this, but it’s part of our human nature that we All have. And I pray that you see this clearly one day: if it were me or someone else in your shoes, if we were in your exact experience leading up to everything, so so many of us would’ve been so much worse than you were. None of us are as strong as we think we are. (I’ll never forget the encounter and vision with Abba when He showed me this about myself.)

But His allowance of our failure and tough times is proof of His mercy because the most important, valuable thing in the universe that He has ever made is the human heart. And He’s trying to help us get it sanctified and obedient and truly free. He wants it to seek and crave His ways and His joy, not things that are not of Him that only lead to temporary happiness at best. Our heart is God’s ultimate passion, desire, and interest. Incidentally, Satan knows this, so it is his ultimate, primary goal to steal from Abba, because he knows how much our hearts mean to Abba.

But you are awake, you are alive now. And although you have some consequential circumstances to figure out and work through now, which is okay and normal, you are walking through it with Jesus, and peace and freedom will come more persistently over time. This really does happen…where you begin to more and more be well and okay constantly, and not just up and down emotionally. You will be able to more constantly just walk in a restedness, remembering the cross constantly being bigger than your worst days ever.

You have to fight for that baby inside you though, that word, that truth, friend. Don’t let the devil abort the truth of who you are in Him even in the middle of your worst failures. Because we all failed. The Bible says that even our very best righteousness is as filthy as a menstrual rag (Isaiah). This is how horrible and filthy we are, no matter what we’ve done.

But, even better, you are brand new now. You have new clothes, your spiritual womb is starting to expand, you have a new life with Jesus your first Love, and step by step, you will walk this situation out with Him. You’ll continue the to-do list to completion, at the pace you and His Spirit can do together.

And when the guilt and embarrassment come to you time and again, you have to lay it down at the foot of the cross every single time, to make sure it doesn’t try to get in and abort your baby within you. Don’t give up or give in. Fight for that miracle within you that He impregnated you with.

Mt11:28-30 … Come to Me, all you who are burdened and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am lowly and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My burden is easy, and My yoke is light.

Do this every day, brother, sister, and you will truly experience this rest invading your heart and mind and it will cause the lost and crazy feelings and thoughts to settle and rest themselves. But more importantly, you’ll find yourself so one with Him and experiencing His presence like you never even thought of in your life. You’ll see.

Eagles Point
A safe place of rest


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