Just Breathe

Okay. Big week. Lots of things, all so important, that you made it through. Now…let’s pause, and stop for a moment. Your most important thing, your heart, has been rescued by the Savior and Lover of your soul. (Of course, that’s why He’s called Savior, after all, right?)

First things first: the Cross. Big and powerful enough to not only carry what you came through, but everything else of your life, and all the other billions of people’s stuff…all in one moment, in the Person of Jesus. Wow. He is too amazing. And right before His body died, He said, “It is finished.” He’s not coming back for another cross. He got it all the first time. Including this. So we truly are free. You are free.

Now you are that new flower, budding from the ground…stony, hardened, and stubborn as that ground was…right? But you made it. By His grace, you made it through, and now your flowering is exposed to the full, direct Son-light of Jesus and His love, His grace, the wind of His Spirit. And now that seed of His grace in you and His ways is able to grow and blossom and be everything it was ever put in you to be. So now you will guard this new life and way with Him and Fight for it and defend it with all your might.

So in this moment, after having been through so much in a condensed amount of time, it’s time to regain the art of pause, of rest, of settling, of slowing down mentally and focusing on His grace and truth, and remembering who you truly are. It’s time to breathe again.

So, begin to gently redirect random and condemning and hurtful thoughts to the cross. Every time something comes up at you inside, or from someone else, about something that was or wasn’t true about your past (your old self), point them immediately to the cross. That old you died on that cross, and all that stuff died with it. This new you, this free you, is a new creation in Christ (2Cor5:17-21). Old things are passed away (dead, gone). Behold!...all things are become new, the Word says.

So…breathe, again. Let’s begin to instruct the mind to settle, and everything has to come to the Cross when it’s trying to rehearse the past.

When thoughts or people say something we don’t like, sometimes people put up their hand in front of their face and say “talk to the hand” lol. Well, we’re not going to go that route. We’re going to put up the Cross in front of their words or our thoughts, and say “talk to the Cross”.

Do this…even if it takes 100 times some days, which it might at first. From now on, if anything or anyone wants to talk to you, they have to go through your personal guard to access you. And that guard is the Cross.

Eagles Point
A safe place of rest


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