Burning Intimacy

No matter the effort we exert to avoid the conflict of the condition of our souls, finding easy roads, living easygoing lives, justifying compromise, and all the other conscience-pacifying games we play, the reality of the one and only true God persists like the self-refueling radiance and power of the sun, or the un-decelerating capacity of light energy.

God has created us with flammable spiritual fabric. We were meant to burn. We were made to burn. With His passion, His presence. We find the Cross as the safe place of surrender and honest vulnerability in our humanity, wherein God's imputation of Jesus' righteousness removes the torment of judgment in the flame of God. In turn, that which remains is a glorious continual bathing in a liquid river of fire straight from the center of the Throne Room itself, from the deep of God's Spirit, issuing out to the very center of our spirit. Not our soul. Not founded on emotion. Although there may be an emotional effect. This goes far deeper and core than the mind, will and emotions.

Fire is self-announcing...how would it be if we were so soaked in God's fire that it truly preceded us wherever we went? That's the way I want to be. And once we've been burned, consumed by His fire, we can't be burnt anymore by any other fire. The fire of the enemy isn't going to be able to burn on burnt ground. And it can't stand to a Fire that's so all-consuming that It's capable of consuming the enemy's fire.

This Spirit-to-spirit intimacy is the place of the purpose of existence. And there is no other place I shall live or imagine to be.

Eagles Point | a safe place of rest…


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