Emotional Due Diligence

When we learn the truth, we have to take time away to process it. And oftentimes, that also means processing out falsehoods.

We have to be emotionally responsible people. We have to allow emotions attached to untruths to be carefully detached and properly attached to the truth. No matter how much the untruths hurt, or how it hurts to accept that they are untruths, and no matter how much the truth hurts. This is where true healing, and the next step, restoration, take place.

This is an indicator of emotional maturity. And this has to be upon self-initiative, when no one is around. Most of the time, there won't be someone encouraging this or cheering us on in it, because it's not something people talk about. Or even realize or know about.

But this keeps us in a healthy state within. It keeps ill-based baggage from collecting. It fosters genuine peace and freedom. We have to take responsibility for the condition and well-being of our soul.

Carrying and burying hurts, failures, disappointments, trauma, or whatever other negative things we have done or that have been done to us or happened to us does not do anything but sour and spoil wherever they are burrowed. Let's take a moment to allow ourselves to unwind and fold open under the safety of the wings of the Master who formed us, and can reform us.

Eagles Point | a safe place of rest…


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