Tougher Love
Many of us have heard of 'tough love', 'speaking the truth in love', and the like. Perhaps often misunderstood or not mirroring its biblical roots. It was never meant to be a license to put jagged edges on the truth as we speak it. The context of love where truth is expressed infers the laborious building of charity and grace in healthy relationship, one with mercy and boundaries in tandem balance, resulting in what would even be a stable home wherein the relationship abides. And then, from this very place, loving truth may be clearly spoken with gentle tone, such that the strength of expression and the arm of action doing the work is the truth itself, not the intensity of the person expressing it. And all that said...there is yet a tougher love. What is the greatest commandment? You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind, and all your strength. And the second is like it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. Greater love has no man than thi...