Of the Flowers Most Tender

Faith as of a child. Years of work, hurt, life, love, loss...causing the garden of the heart to be barren, dried up, hardened. Situations and responsibilities keeping us from getting back to deep cultivation, weeding, caretaking.

But there may come a moment, a divine intersection, that affords the opportunity to revisit neglected fields, unearth lost treasures, and once again till the crusted soils within. Places that were long abandoned, avoided, disregarded, from recent situations all the way back to childhood.

It will take months to come to deeper places of intentional surrender in these areas...surrender to God's desire and ability to heal, love, embrace, empathize personally...and restore.

But and so though, let us do the intentional, daily due diligence of seeking, surrendering, re-processing as the Wonderful Counselor leads, and allowing the soil of the heart to be loved again, nourished again, cared for again, softened and made alive again!

How wonderful it is to re-tender that sacred place within. And to be able to again say that we are living by faith as of a child.

This wonderous work in the heart prepares the garden to facilitate the growth and vibrance of the most beautiful and tender of plantings. So delicate, and such rich fruit and sweet aroma that floods the entirety of the soul, wherein all who visit are enriched.

Embrace this moment. Hold to this truth, and pursue it. Do not be afraid of healing and wellness. It is what you were always made for. And for many, it is long overdue.


Eagles Point

A safe place of rest.


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